Are you already a Hypnobirthing Teacher looking to expand your skills? Wanting more ideas? A supportive community?
How does this sound?
Engaging resources and teaching ideas to make your courses top quality
Training to boost your confidence and increase your skills
Marketing support and guidance so you get more clients
Belong to a loving, supportive community with regular group masterminds
Honestly lovely, you don't need to join another brand of Hypnobirthing
I bet you know already that no one books your courses based on who you trained with. They book you for you. Your clients want more of you.
They want the mp3s in your voice. They want more of your personality in the sessions and resources. They absolutely love it when you go off piste.
You'll give them more of you when you've got more ideas to make your courses more engaging. With the confidence to switch the session plans around they'll get more out of your course. When you are free to include the topics you've been dying to, they'll be shouting about you from the roof tops.
And you wont be leaving sessions feeling like you've just talked them to death anymore.
I can show you how.

“Abby’s course is the best value for money by far. It is absolutely fantastic. The resources we get sent are absolutely wonderful. It is the best money you will ever spend and i have increased sales from using some of the tips from Abby. I am one happy customer”
Becky Binkiewicz

Freedom, choice, support and community
I'm delighted to be welcoming already trained instructors to join us in changing lives through positive birth. The Expansion course with Love Your Birth Training School is like no other. This is WAY more than a conversion course and it is certainly not moving over to a different brand.
You will be welcomed into a community, your skills will grow and you'll gain so much more confidence in not only teaching your Hypnobirthing sessions but also running your business.
My super power is showing you how to make your courses more interactive and engaging. I can also show you how you can help your clients truly see that their tools are for all birth scenarios whilst still dreaming of the birth that they want.
£849 will secure your place and this will be all you ever pay. Your profits will remain yours, always. No yearly fees, no pay per download.
You will gain access to an abundance of high quality beautiful resources, tried and tested session plans, powerful techniques, marketing modules, plans for alternative sessions like intensive courses and pregnancy relaxation classes and access to training to up level your teaching skills.
The resources are available for you to use straight away with your clients.
The resources are always evolving so you will benefit from new materials and support being added regularly.
Make your Hypnobirthing course better
90 minutes packed full of powerful tips for already trained Hypnobirthing teachers.
"Learning techniques from Abby and watching her teach us has been like a masterclass in how to get information across in an engaging way"
Julie Smeaton

"The course gave me the confidence in my own structure and materials. Plus I loved the resources, workbook and illustrations that you get with Abby's courses too. And it's given me the flexibility to use these however I like with my clients".
Lauren Clegg

For over 5 years I’ve been supporting Hypnobirthing Teachers wanting to make the move to independence or simply wanting to add more to their current course. The feedback from this has been incredible. It has made a difference to so many Hypnobirthing businesses and Hypnobirthing parents.
The Expansion course has pretty much everything that the Hypnobirthing teachers that I train from scratch get but for half the price as you're already certified.
Some teachers hop brands of Hypnobirthing hoping for some secret sauce and they tell me that they find that they are faced with a new syllabus and a ticket to buy someone else’s audios.
This is not just another syllabus. This is not the same thing that you’ve got with different branding.
This is upskilling. This is choice. This is support. This is empowerment.
When you are proud of the Hypnobirthing course you offer, the way you talk about it changes.
You market your course with confidence and people listen. Add to that you are getting specific marketing training so that you get the support that you need to make your business more than pocket money.
This Expansion course will give you the skills to teach powerful and effective Hypnobirthing courses that leave clients shouting about you from the rooftops.
You will feel confident that you are preparing your clients for the birth that they want yet they are ready for any curve balls that could come in their direction. They will really understand that Hypnobirthing is for all births. You will have the community and support that you need. You will gain clarity in how to actually get your Hypnobirthing business seen and booked by clients.

Who am I?
I’m Abby Watson a busy mum, Hypnobirthing Teacher Trainer and business mentor in West Yorkshire. In my over 8 years in the industry I have had two more babies, taught hundreds of families and consistently filled groups and my one-to-one diary. Hypnobirthing has been my source of income that has allowed me to have the freedom to work around my four children. I love supporting others to do the same.
In 2015 I felt flat after my Hypnobirthing practitioner training. I had so many unanswered questions, I didn’t love resources that I was given and the sit and go through a workbook approach to sessions didn’t sit right with me. I felt that the syllabus didn’t flow.
Quite frankly I would have felt embarrassed getting in front of clients with what I had. So, right from the start I rejigged it. I added things and created my own session plans and resources. Over the years my course has evolved greatly. For me this is what I love doing, creating engaging sessions as it’s the skills I used daily as in my former career as a Secondary School Teacher. I know for others this isn’t always as easy so I have been training and mentoring others to do the same for the last couple of years.
In my work with Hypnobirthing teachers I’ve seen a desire for more support and flexibility in how they run courses. As Hypnobirthing teachers we are the ones that teach about choice and empowerment and we need to feel that in our businesses too. I am committed to bring this to the Hypnobirthing Training world.
By doing an Expansion course with me you will benefit from my extensive experience of running a thriving Hypnobirthing business, my skills as a teacher and my support as a mentor.
My super power is getting information across in an engaging an effective way and I can show you how to do that too.

I totally understand that you feel like you've invested so much in your training and business already. But you care too much about the birth experiences of others to not give this the best shot that you possibly can. And your dreams are important.
Imagine what a difference great support, engaging session plans, beautiful resources and freedom could make to you and your business.
Imagine how it would feel to be part of a community again.
Imagine how it would feel to always have some to ask questions or have a sounding board,
Imagine how it would feel know that you are teaching a course that is supportive of all births and choices.
"It was important for me to belong to a community, I also wanted to be surrounded by people who were supportive and empowering. Abby has managed to create all of that."
Anna Owen
Here's what you get...
(I told you it was way more than a conversion course)
- A welcome box with your Teachers’ Toolkit book, an example client workbook, script book, birth affirmation cards, illustrations to use with your clients and a gift for you (UK enrolments only).
- Access to my A4 65 page interactive Love Your Birth Hypnobirthing Course Workbook. You will have the option of buying colour printed wiro bound copies from me for £50 for 5 plus p&p. You will have it via PDF too so you can get it printed yourself or simply use certain pages.
- Qualified teacher created Hypnobirthing course session plans full of engaging ways of explaining things. Session plans are provided for both a 4 session course or a 3 session course.
-Session plans for other sessions including: Tasters, Refresher sessions, Intensive/essentials courses, sessions for those planning a caesarean birth.
-Resources to make your sessions interesting and interactive including beautiful illustrations and visual aids.
-NEW: Resources specifically created for working with clients who are planning or considering a caesarean birth.
- 4 MP3s that you will get to distribute to Hypnobirthing clients. Affirmation track, Relaxation, Fear release and Birth rehearsal. You can record these in your own voice too if you would like to.
- Scripts to use in your sessions. These are super powerful and supportive of all births. As well as those above there is a ‘Relax and enjoy pregnancy script’, a specific Home birth fear release and a ‘coping with the unexpected’ script, perfect for clients facing a potential induction, Caesarean, change in birth place etc. Again, if you choose, you can record these.
- You will get immediate access to the resources so that you use them with your clients straight away.

My L.O.V.E philosophy. Hypnobirthing courses are about more than techniques and knowledge.
Within your video course, online modules, we will explore why BRAIN isn’t always enough and how we can prepare clients for the maternity system and the challenges that they might face.
We will talk about challenges in our sessions such as the concept of pain, reluctant birth partners etc. No questions will be off limits.
-You get immediate access to the Video course modules guiding you to teach engaging Hypnobirthing sessions. These include actual filmed footage of parts of a Hypnobirthing course, how to teach pregnancy relaxation classes and video modules to make your sessions more engaging and more interactive. You will gain access to this right away.
-Marketing module- what’s the point of having a great course if you haven't got any clients?
This course will show you how to get noticed in a busy market, how to get going with group courses and how to build your brand.
- In addition to all this regular CPD will be available to you in our supportive community.

-Immediately feel part of a warm and friendly community. We all need business buddies and there are tonnes of opportunities to meet these in our community and included events.
-A Certificate recognised by UK insurance companies. (Evidence of your initial training must be shown before certificate issued) You certificate will also show your clients that you have expanded your skills.
- Show your potential clients that you have up skilled by displaying the Love Your Birth Accredited Teacher logo.
-Access to the LYB Teachers circle, a closed private Facebook group for Hypnobirthing teachers that have trained with me. This group is worth the investment on its own. I love supporting other Hypnobirthing teachers and this will be a big part of this offering.
-The LYB Teachers Circle is a place for supporting and learning from one another, we share regular business tips, challenges and reminders of important content. Both myself, the wonderfully experienced Hypnobirthing teacher Hannah Brown and our LYB midwife Gill Marchant offer support in there, along with the rest of the community too.
-Free monthly mastermind via Zoom where you will receive group coaching from the other members of the community. Plus additional training and support that you deserve.
-The ethos of Love Your Birth is that we are stronger when we support one another. We support without judgement and appreciate that we all have our own perspectives on birth and business and that is ok.
Show potential clients that you have up skilled and enhanced your course with our accreditation

Join Our Free Community 'The Heart Of Baby Business'
For lots of tips on helping you to improve your baby business.
"As an already trained hypnobirthing teacher, Abby helped me fine-tune my teaching by making it more hands-on and engaging, ultimately leaving me more confident with my own teachings".
Alyssa Quartulli.
"Abby offers so much support, not only during the course but afterwards as well. You become part of a community too...we cheer each other on"
Josie Weller
Hypnobirthing teachers are stronger when they have the freedom to make their course feel like them.
When they feel confident that they tailor their sessions to their clients both you and you clients love the sessions even more.
Love Your Birth Training School is about providing exceptional training, support and resources.
Teachers who train with us have no ongoing fees, no licences, no fee per mp3 download. You can even record the mp3s in your own voice (your clients will love you for this!).
There are no rules about what you must give out to your clients and you certainly don’t have to ever push my business name.
I am here to support you on this incredible journey and empower you to spread transformative positive births to more and more families.

"I love your resources, my clients love your resources and I'm proud to use these on my courses. My sessions are unique to me which was important to me and that's thanks to you".
Victoria Chambers.

'Your business, your rules'
You didn't go train to be a Hypnobirthing teacher for someone else to tell you how many sessions you have to teach, what you must include, push someone else's brand whilst paying yearly for the privilege.
My biggest value is freedom and it runs through everything I do at LYB. I offer you access to lots of guidance, resources and pass as many skills over to you as I can, but it is up to you what you do with it. You can run your courses exactly how I have previously done or you can do your own thing.
Either way I will offer you loving support and a big dollop of Yorkshire motivation.
"Abby's course really helped me organise my session plans and make my course more authentically me. I found my original course was very rigid but the conversion course gave me the confidence to make my course my own. I'm really proud of the course I offer to my clients now”.
Clover Lamptey
Hear what Laura says about the Expansion course...

Get your free teaching resource
To make your Hypnobirthing courses more engaging.
Alyssa Quartulli.
"Abby is absolutely fantastic. As an already trained HypnoBirthing teacher, she helped me fine-tune my teaching by making it more hands-on and engaging, ultimately leaving me more confident with my own teachings. She is knowledgeable, understands best teaching practices, is super supportive, and is dedicated to her community. I am so happy I found Abby and her offerings!!"
Danielle Freshwater
'Abby’s course is full of exciting, engaging and interactive elements which have made a huge difference to how I feel about my courses and the responses and interaction I am seeing from my clients.
The thought provoking activities really get parents to start thinking for themselves instead of spoon feeding or just lecturing them!
Abby’s really clear structure is so cleverly designed into digestible, bite size chunks with just the right amount of information for parents to take in during the class plus really helpful and beautifully designed hand outs and worksheets within her workbook too.'
“I don’t feel like I’ve ‘converted’ over to another hypnobirthing school but feel that I’ve ‘up-graded’ to the next level of freedom and independence in my teaching, with fantastic support, guidance, resource access and community feel”.
Jenny Fye
If you have any questions at all please do get in touch, we could even enjoy a cuppa and a chat over zoom if you fancied it
Abby x

If you're not already a trained Hypnobirthing Teacher, please see our full training here
Train to Teach Hypnobirthing