Ten Mistakes Hypnobirthing Teachers Make in Their Pricing

Uncategorized Nov 20, 2023


Let’s be honest, for so many of us, deciding what to charge for our services is HARD! It can be a real stumbling block and come with all sorts of feelings. From feeling uncertain to feeling guilt.

I’m guessing this is the first time you have had to put a value on your time and what you offer. Therefore, it is no wonder it comes with all the emotions. Add to this that so many of us have grown up with some huge beliefs about receiving money. (Let’s delve into that some other time)

Here are ten common mistakes I see Hypnobirthing teachers making when it comes to pricing.


Read on so that you can avoid these pitfalls in your pricing…


‌1. Giving “mates rates” to everyone they even slightly know. No one expects us to give freebies or special offers. They are booking because they trust us and know that we are good at what we do.


‌2. Assuming no one can afford their services. Constantly blaming external factors such as the cost of living to justify why bookings aren’t as high as they’d like. Then slashing their prices to make them more affordable but actually not experiencing the flurry of booking that they wanted. They are then just left with less profit for themselves at a time when they also need money.

‌3. Discounting too often. Thinking that if you haven’t got as many bookings as you would like it’s because you are too expensive and then offering huge last-minute discounts. Low bookings are likely an indication that they need to be seen by more people, they need clearer messaging, they need to make it obvious why they should book now and how to do it.

4. Repelling people from their group courses because their one-to-ones are so cheap. They price their one-to-one courses at just £50 more than their groups when their main intention is to fill groups. Why would anyone book a group when they can have their Hypnobirthing teacher all to themselves at times that suit them better? One-to-ones being a higher tier pricing makes so much more business sense.

5. Charging too little. Perhaps it’s because they have never increased their prices since they first started their business. Or perhaps it’s because they are calculating their prices on an hourly rate, not considering the other time that goes into a business. If Hypnobirthing course prices are lower than people expect, they might assume what is offered isn’t as good as what’s offered elsewhere.

6. Inadvertently incentivising people to book short courses based on the price. They charge such a small amount for their short course, people book it on price alone. If you’d rather people opt for a full course, the full course would be better being the best value. Increase your short course prices and put more focus on talking about your full course and see the difference.

‌7. Not saying their prices with confidence. Cringing (and almost whispering) when telling people prices, leads to lack of confidence in the service from the potential client.

Tip- Practice saying your prices out loud, tell yourself all the reasons that it is incredible value and build your confidence.


‌8. Sticking a high price on their courses, just because they’ve seen others doing it. However, not having their service and branding match that premium pricing. Rolls Royce pricing, comes with Rolls Royce service and branding or people won’t take it seriously.

9. Not making their prices clear. They feel so icky about money that they don’t even make their prices clear when communicating with potential clients. Ambiguity loses bookings.

10. Making paying too hard. They don’t consider using payment systems that could make receiving payments easier and potentially being able to offer payment plans too e.g. PayPal reoccurring payments. Making it easier to pay the price, means more people do it.

I point out these things with a lot of love. I understand it’s hard to be logical about our own Hypnobirthing course pricing when we are too close to it.


How do you avoid these mistakes?



-Reviewing your prices regularly

-Make sure that the way you market your services reflects your pricing

-Practice saying your prices out loud. Your confidence in your pricing will give your potential clients confidence in it too

-If bookings are slow, don’t assume it’s your pricing. It is more likely to be that not enough people have heard about what you offer. Think about how you can get your business seen by more people.

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Abby x


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