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Hannah Shares Her Wins Since Becoming a Hypnobirthing Teacher

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2021
The lovely Hannah from Hypnobirthing With Hannah shares her wins with us since becoming a hypnobirthing teacher. Hannah was the first ever person I trained and mentored in 2018.
Here’s what Hannah celebrated in her first year of business…
1. My first ever client was a lovely couple who felt so empowered after Hypnobirthing, they went on to have a really positive birth and sent me their birth story over. I felt so proud knowing how much I had helped them.
2. Another couple that I taught sent me a lovely thank you card, I’ve still got that card now and use it as a reminder of where I started and why I love teaching Hypnobirthing so much.
3. The first taster session that I did went so well, I remember being so nervous but I felt so proud of myself afterwards.
4. Sorting out some of the tech, I’m such a technophobe, so sorting out things such as ticket tailor and stripe felt like such a win and I’ve now mastered the tech side of things. It seemed like such a big thing at the time, I was so proud of myself.
Well done Hannah, I’m so proud of you and have loved witnessing your business blossom!
You can follow Hannah over on her Instagram page @hannah_loveyourbirth.
The next round of my hypnobirthing conversion course training starts in August, you can find out more here, or get in touch and we can have a chat. 
Abby x

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