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12 Clients in her first three months of qualifying as a Hypnobirthing Teacher

Uncategorized Oct 01, 2024


Rhiannon Broadbent, from Leeds, was honoured as a rising star at our annual Inspiration Day, where she received a prestigious award in recognition of her remarkable achievements so early into her business Birth BeYOUtifully With Rhi.

Since qualifying as a Hypnobirthing Teacher with Love Your Birth in June 2024, Rhiannon has been making an incredible impact, quickly establishing herself in the field. 



We couldn't be prouder of her dedication, having supported 12 clients in just her first three months.


Her commitment to building connections and sharing her expertise within the community is truly inspiring and is what Rhiannon thinks has helped her business to grow so well, she says:


"Connecting with other local businesses has also been hugely beneficial. Learning from their expertise and creating links has been really important to me."


Making a difference to women's lives and her own

Rhiannon trained whilst on maternity leave after second baby "I saw Abby's courses advertised around 5 months after I had my second baby and decided to do it. I've always raved about Hypnobirthing with my friends/family and shared as much wisdom as I could so becoming qualified to do so made a lot of sense to me."  "I've been a school teacher for 10 years and have been able to reduce my days at my 'day job' and hope in the long run to grow my business to a point where I can pull back further from that role and work entirely for myself. 


Rhiannon spoke to us about the difference that she is making to women's lives and how one lady came to her feeling 'worried' and 'nervous' about birth but went on to have an 'incredible'  birth experience. She told us "The first time I received news that a client had given birth was a moment I won't forget."


The Hypnobirthing teacher from West Yorkshire said, "The feeling of knowing you've made a difference to a family at one of the most important times in their life is just wonderful."


"One of the things I am most passionate about in my business is empowering women to make choices around their birth. This is perhaps the single biggest take away I want women to have. If they know they have choices, they instantly feel more positive and empowered going into their births." 


Just a few weeks after qualifying as a Hypnobirthing Teacher...


Not only does Rhiannon teach Hypnobirthing, she also hosts pregnancy relaxation classes, her first one being just a few weeks after she qualified, how amazing is that?


Rhiannon describes the classes as "growing month on month" and describes how "they are such dreamy spaces - I am really proud of them."


We asked Rhiannon what she's done to market her business that's had the biggest reward. She said "Putting myself out there. People want to know that they are going to connect with you on a personal level so I've made sure that I am at the forefront of all my marketing and social media. I don't think my business would be growing as quickly as it is if I hadn't." She's connected with other business owners and utilised tools like social media to get known in her area. 


We are proud of you too here at Love Your Birth and everything that you have achieved in such a short amount of time. We know this is the start of something very special. 



You can find Rhiannon over on her website here and you can find out more about her and her business by following her on Instagram here.


If you would like to train to become a Hypnobirthing teacher just like Rhiannon...


Head to the website and make sure to attend one of my free events here. 


Abby xx


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