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This will stop the scroll

Uncategorized Jul 17, 2024

Your potential client spends her time skim reading.


She scrolls social media seeing over 100 pieces of content a MINUTE!


She browses websites scanning for things that apply to her.


So how do you help her find you and your life changing Hypnobirthing courses?


Simple, you grab her attention with a hook at the start of your posts/ blogs/ videos etc.


A hook is a compelling element designed to grab attention and entice people to engage with your content. A bit like a fishing hook, it’s about reeling them in to your world so that they can benefit for the knowledge that you have that will support them so much.


In the context of social media, it's the initial part of your post that captures the audience's interest and stops the scroll. It could be the first sentence, the text on an image or the title written across a video. On a blog or webpage, this is the title or any bits in bold.


It is useful to know that effective hooks DON’T summarise the whole post, instead they deliver the juicy bit that grabs your audience.



Characteristics of Effective Hooks:


  1. Relevance- Tailored to your dream client i.e. it is valuable to them.

  2. Emotion- Evokes feelings that resonate with the dream client.

  3. Curiosity- encourages interest by leaving them wanting to know more.

  4. Short- less words and more concise means it’s easy to read and they get the main points quickly.



Example 1


If you’ve been told your baby is large for gestational age, here’s how to make your birth easier…




Birth hacks for a “BIG BABY”


The latter is more concise and not too wordy. It features words that she is more likely to use rather than medical speak. When skim reading this will be more likely to jump out and if she resonates with the content, she is likely to engage with it.



Example 2


What is the ‘Hypno’ in Hypnobirthing and what impact does it have?




You’re not going to be Hypnotised


The first one is more of a summary of what the content is about, whereas the second one is more intriguing, sparking curiously to find out more.



Example 3


My client’s empowering Hypnobirthing birth story




My client needed no pain relief


Whilst there’s nothing wrong with the first title, the second one brings a sense of surprise and curiosity, encouraging them to read more. This is an example of the hook being the highlight rather than the summary.



Now, this isn’t about wanting to go viral. This is about helping your potential clients see the stuff that you are lovingly creating for them.


A simple tweak at the start of your content could make the world of difference to her not noticing it to seeing it and you becoming her go to birth mindset guru and then a deposit for her course booking arriving in your bank.


Need some inspiration?


Here’s a few hooks to get you started:


Your “brave” birth plan isn’t that brave


Pregnancy truths no one talks about


Maybe your birth wont hurt


From fearing birth to wanting to do it again and again


Birth: Should you plan for the worst?


Top 5 midnight googles at 20 weeks pregnant


Hypnobirthing IS actually weird


My client uninvited her mother-in-law to the birth


How to Hypno a Caesarean


Confession: I had gender disappointment



I hope you found this useful, lovely one. My intention is supporting you to be the best hypnobirthing teacher you can be, impacting as many people as possible. I know to do that, knowing about marketing is essential and that’s why business support is very much part of how we support our students and graduates at Love Your Birth. Check out our training here.


Abby x


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