Are digital Hypnobirthing courses killing the demand for live courses?

Uncategorized Mar 05, 2024

My heart started pounding, I broke out in a cold sweat. It was just ten minutes before 5 couples were about to turn up at my house for their first group Hypnobirthing session.


I was in a state of panic as I’d stupidly started scrolling on Facebook and noticed a big Hypnobirthing brand had introduce a pre-recorded Hypnobirthing course for little more than £30. The likes and comments were flowing.


That’s it, I’m doomed, I thought. How can I compete with a course that’s less than a Friday night takeaway?



Now, that was a good few years ago and today these digital, low cost Hypnobirthing courses are everywhere.



To cut a long story short, it did NOT decrease the demand for my courses that were ten times the price. My Hypnobirthing business continued to thrive.


I don’t believe these cheapo courses that are so very different from the courses that you want to offer are competition for you either. I do, however think it is important to differentiate yourself from them.


I want you to remember that there are pre-recorded versions of pretty much everything. Even before the internet, you could buy an exercise video instead of going to classes.


These days you can get Yoga classes on YouTube, learn to juggle via an App, take a course for your mental health on your iPad and learn wedding planning via a £29 pre-recorded course.


Yet live versions of all these things thrive too.



Why are live Hypnobirthing courses different to online video courses…


1 Interactive- When Hypnobirthing clients work with an instructor whether this is group or one-to-one they benefit from learning in many different ways.

They are able to engage in discussion, experience hands on learning, they can ask questions as they come up and importantly immediate clarification of any confusion can take place. This leads to a far superior level of service and ultimately leave the course with a deeper level of understanding and stronger skills where the techniques are concerned.


2 Accountability- One huge thing that is missing from online pre-recorded courses is any form of accountability to do the practice. A live Hypnobirthing instructor can provide motivation and accountability for their clients. They can work together to form a plan and gently check in on progress meaning that clients are so much more likely to honour their commitment to themselves. Research by the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology suggests that accountability increases the like hood of a person following through with action they’ve said they’d do by a massive 95%.


3 Experience- Doing a live course whether in person or via video link makes it so much more likely that the woman and her birth partner doing the course engages with the course without distraction. They are not multitasking during the course meaning that they can fully enjoy the experience of connecting with their baby, doing something for nice in pregnancy and benefiting from time away from everyday stresses.


4 Tailored- Whether the live person is a group course or one to one, the Hypnobirthing teacher is able to adapt the course to those sat in front of them, making it more specific and relevant to those that are there.


5 Connection- During a live Hypnobirthing course clients are able to build trust in their instructor enhancing the learning experience. In addition, in a group course format parents to be are able to connect with other people in a similar position to them. Community can be build and this sense of belonging is usually not available via an online programme.



Phew, that’s a lot of things.


I want you to really hear that live classes and pre-recorded Hypnobirthing is hugely different therefore not comparable.


Consider now how you are displaying the benefits of the courses that you offer, so people hear this message loud and clear.




Now finally, could there actually be a benefit to the existence of digital courses rather than a threat?


I think so!


They give you options in your business. Perhaps one day you do want to consider creating a course like this where the delivery is more passive. We have some incredible Hypnobirthing Teachers in the Love Your Birth community who have done this with success.


Perhaps also, the rise in these digital courses have actually increased awareness of Hypnobirthing, making doing a course feel less niche and as a result driving the demand for all types of courses.


I’d love to know what you think of this topic. Come over to my Instagram, I’d love to connect with you over there.


Abby x


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