The Moment That I Decided To Leave My Teaching Career

Uncategorized Feb 18, 2023

Betsy has been unwell this week and it transported me back to the actual moment I decided that the employed life was not for me any longer.

I was sat on my sofa crying holding my 9 month old baby in my arms, feeling the heat from his raging fever against my chest. It was October 2013, my eldest child Harris was ill yet again.

I’d been back at work just over a month and pretty much every week he was unwell. He picked up every bug going from his three days at nursery.

I was exhausted, worried and felt like the worst mother and the worst teacher.


I hated putting him in nursery and knew that just as he was getting better he’d get hit by another illness.

Yes, this was stressful and upsetting but it was the response I received from employers that felt the worst.

“Isn’t there anyone else that can look after him?”
“When will you be back?”
“Make sure you set all the work for you classes right away”

I knew I needed to be with my boy and yet I felt enormous guilt and failure that I had missed some workdays since returning to work. I felt unsupported and judged. I felt like work was building up and up and up.

I was full of anxiety.

I said to myself, I AM NOT LIVING LIKE THIS.

I’m not doing it anymore, my family, my mental health are too important.

A week later I handed in my notice and said I’d be leaving in December.

Yes, I was leaving a respected career. A regular salary. A decent pension.

But I was gaining the freedom.

As I sit in a similar position this week with my fourth child hot and ill, I’m in such a different world.

I can be with her. I’m not worried about the knock on effect of the sleepless nights. Im free.

Self employment has been such a gift for my family and I’m feeling so grateful for the decision I made those years ago.


If you are wondering if doing something new is for you, come sign up for my free event 'teaching hypnobirthing - is it for you?' here.



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