Our 2023 Inspiration Day

Uncategorized Jul 31, 2023

Community is everything at Love Your Birth.

When running a Hypnobirthing training company was just a small seed in my mind, I knew that connection and community would be integral to my business. That's because it is everything I wish I'd had when I became a Hypnobirthing teacher. 
In addition to our monthly online catch ups, regular bonus live training videos and thriving Facebook community, once a year we have our annual in-person Inspiration Day.

This is the highlight of my year - The LYB Inspiration Day

This year's inspiration day was all about business, goals and mindset. 
We had two guests leading parts of the day. We had the incredible Jessica Ord from Positively Pregnant sharing her own Hypnobirthing business journey with us. She took us behind the scenes of building her business around two young children and getting to her income goal of £3000 a month. She gave such powerful insights into confident pricing. 
We also had the wonderful Lindsey Ratcliffe from LR Hypnotherapy leading a gorgeous Hypnosis session all about building confidence and self-belief in your business. It was hugely transformational and it was so great to practice what we preach. 

Along with this I led a strategy session, we got creative making vision boards, we ate lots of lovely food and most importantly we laughed and chatted. It was such a glorious day. 

Here's what people said about the day...

"Absolutely loved this day. It really ignited me with the belief that our dreams are achievable, yours and Jessica's talks were so inspiring" - Lizzie
"So many wonderful things! I loved learning about the strategies but it was also that sense of encouragement that we can do this. And that sense of community, we are together. Absolutely loved it" - Ashleigh
"Such an amazing day, thanks Abby. An overwhelming feeling of positivity and inspiration being amongst so many like minded amazing women, 'finding your tribe!' The strategies were a lightbulb moment." - Louise
"It was an amazing day. Well worth the journey! The strategy advice was amazing. And also Jess’s talk shows us all that it can be done, even with a young family.
It reminded me that even though life is so busy it’s nice to take some time for myself too.  Thank you so much for organising. It was so lovely: - Emma

This event is exclusively for Love Your Birth students and graduates.

If being a part of a community like this sounds like something you'd enjoy, check out our training. We offer training to become a Hypnobirthing teacher from scratch and we also offer training for Hypnobirthing teachers that initially trained elsewhere via our Expansion course.
For more details head here www.loveyourbirthtraining.com
Abby x 


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