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How to use social media for your business without wasting your life on there...

Uncategorized Jan 11, 2022

Righty lovely, you wanted to become a hypnobirthing teacher because you have a mountain of passion for empowering birth BUT also for greater freedom in your life.


So, what are you doing with screen time of 4 plus hours a day. AKA over 28 hours a week. 1456 hours year!!!!


Here are my top tips for getting the business benefits from social media without it becoming your full time job…



Use Rhythms that work around your life:

Build habits that you can stick to, this avoids you feeling like you should doing something and then scrolling instead. Sound familiar?!

What pocket of time do you have regularly available? So, for example this might be when your toddler goes down for a nap, you spend the first 30 minutes creating a post/doing a live/connecting with people.


Connecting over scrolling:

If you are hopping on social media do it with intention. Connect with people by commenting on posts, particularly on posts from people you’d love to build business relationships with or posts that your dream clients might see.


Schedule posts:

Creating posts in advance and then scheduling them means you don’t actually need to be on social media to be visible.


Recycling posts:

Make use of your hard work you’ve done previously by posting them again.

This might be literally copying and pasting a popular post you did 6 months ago. Or it might be quickly turning a blog post into a carousel. Or maybe resharing that useful live video you did last year. 



Have dedicated times that you will pick up your phone and check social media.

 AND have times a day that you DONT go on social media, that you don’t respond to messages etc. For example you might decide that after 3pm you don’t use it in an effort to be present with your family.

Celebrate and feel smug about your new found willpower.


Keep your hands busy:

Ever found yourself aimlessly scrolling and gaining NOTHING from it apart from imposter syndrome and overwhelm?!

For me this happens when I’m board e.g. when Betsy is watching Peppa AGAIN! I end up getting into a scroll hole.

Instead have something available that you enjoy doing e.g. journaling, a good old fashioned magazine, a craft even.


Don’t follow accounts that annoy you:

If people pop up in your feed that make you feel rubbish, prompt feelings of imposter syndrome and lead to you second guessing everything that you post. UNFOLLOW!


Have a think and see if you can put any of the above into action straight away.


Abby xx 


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