Women, the world sees your business as a hobby

Uncategorized Nov 27, 2023

They ask how your LITTLE business is going.


When times are harder in life or business, they suggest you give your business up. I wonder if they’d do the same if it was a job for someone else?


They ask you what you are going to do with all your extra time now that little ____ is at preschool.


They see the investments that you make in your business such as additional learning, coaching, and support as a personal indulgence.


Any of this sound familiar?


I’ve certainly experienced this in my almost 9 years in business.


Now, in my early days of business I kind of thought that once my business proved itself to be a success, more people would take it seriously. Whilst, this is partly true there is still a huge difference in how people speak to my husband about his business as opposed to mine.


My youngest child recently started primary school. It’s the first time ever I don’t have children at home Monday to Friday 9-3. This has come with all sorts of questions about what I occupy myself with.


“Hello! I do work you know”


I suppose even today the stereotypical structure of a bread-winning father and mother whose role is to look after the children is front of mind for so many people. Any form of work the mother has is seen as ‘something for her’ rather than a contribution to the family. Optional, a nice to have, a bit of spare cash, a hobby, not as important perhaps.


Now, don’t get me wrong this structure works for many families and quite frankly when I first started my business this was very much how things were for us. In the early days, it was very much something for me whilst I felt like a stay-at-home mum.


What I have learnt is your business can be a serious business AND family can be a priority. It can be both, not either or.



The impact people treating your business as a hobby can have on you….


How much harder is it to maintain your own belief in your business when others don’t take it seriously? It introduces doubt or embeds doubt that was already there.


When we have a wobble about business- having someone say keep going, you are doing great is so valuable. If those around you are more in the camp of “maybe it’s not meant to be” this can make resilience harder.


It can leave you feeling unsupported and misunderstood. “WHY DOESN’T ANYONE TAKE MY BUSINESS SERIOUSLY”. This can even make you feel differently about those that you care about.


In addition, getting practical support from those who care about you can be more challenging if they see your business as a hobby. E.g childcare. They are less likely to offer or prioritise what you need.


How to minimise the impact of this…


Take your business seriously yourself. We aren’t in control of other people but we can control ourselves. Speak about your business just like you would work. When people see you take it seriously, they will too.


Avoid treating it as a hobby yourself. When people see you only work on your business when you feel like it, of course, they are more likely to see it as a hobby. It’s okay to love what you do AND have working routines.


Carefully consider who you speak to about your business. If you feel certain people just don’t get it, it’s okay to keep them as prosecco or mum friends. Delve into business chat with your business buddies who do get it.


Work on your own business belief with mindset tools such as affirmations. When we have a stronger inner belief, the external opinions of others matter less.


Repeat after me “Not everyone gets it and that’s ok. I have a successful Hypnobirthing business that is worthy of my time and energy.”


Thinking of enhancing your skills and expanding your support network as an already certified Hypnobirthing teacher? Have a look at your Expansion course for Hypnobirthing teachers who trained elsewhere.



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