Fiona Shares Her Wins Since Becoming A Hypnobirthing Teacher
Nov 28, 2022
The lovely Fiona from Fiona Deans Hypnobirthing has kindly shared her wins with us since she became a hypnobirthing teacher.
Fiona is a hypnobirthing teacher offering courses in Solihull and Birmingham. Here are her wins since starting her hypnobirthing business.
- I recently did a course for some friends who are expecting their second baby in December. After we finished the course, I received a really love, long review from Tom saying how much they'd enjoyed the course and how useful it had been. Receiving this made it all feel worthwhile in the uncertain times in which we're living!
- Completing my hypnobirthing teacher training and receiving some really lovely feedback from Abby on it. When you invest so much time and money in something, it's natural to wonder whether you're doing the right thing, especially when it's completely different to what you normally do so receiving that was a real confidence boost.

- Attending the Love Your Birth Inspiration Day and meeting lots of other hypnobirthing teachers, some of whom are already doing really well in their business and some of whom are like me and just starting out.
- Getting my website ranking highly for hypnobirthing in Birmingham even though I know I've got some competition in the area. Today I'm listed under a very well-known hypnobirthing company in the maps bit that comes up on Google (hopefully that's not just my phone)!
Thank you so much Fiona for sharing your wins with us, there are some amazing achievements in here. We loved seeing you at the Inspiration day and your little one too.
You can follow Fiona over on her Instagram page @fionadeanshypnobirthing or visit her website to find out more about her courses
If you are interested in becoming a hypnobirthing or up-levelling your existing hypnobirthing course, then head to my website for more information.
Abby xx