Confession: I hate the term Birth Worker

Uncategorized Mar 19, 2024

I actually hate the term 'Birth worker'.

I've never used it to refer to myself, despite running a thriving Hypnobirthing business for the last 9 years.


Hmmm maybe actually it's a bit of imposter syndrome?

Perhaps its feelings of not fitting a stereotype I associate with the term?

Or maybe it's more to do with how I saw my business?

I saw what I did as education, guidance.

I associate birth worker with a doula or a midwife, those that actually attended birth.

That wasn't me.


8 years ago I saw an event for Leeds Birth workers. It would have been a great opportunity to meet likeminded people and network too.


I didn't go. I didn't think it was for me.

In all honesty, I just never thought I fitted in.

I didn't belong.

I'm not crunchy enough

I'm more stilettos than dungarees

I'm not very political



Now this next bit sounds bonkers, hold on tight...


I have on occasions considered adopting a persona that I thought I should.

I wondered if dungarees might actually suit me. Maybe I’d pull them off and maybe I’d slot in better.

That would have been a big mistake.

My superpower as a Hypnobirthing business was me. Exactly how I was. Knock off Chanel earrings and bright pink lips. A strong Yorkshire accent and a love affair with batiste.


Here's my message for you...


YOU are your superpower too.

Exactly how you are!! Dungarees or no dungarees.

Turn up the volume on you. "Fly your freak flag" or amplify your nurturing big sister energy.

Turn up that volume in both your marketing AND your courses.

Your business gets to be an extension of you.

So, let it be an extension of you rather than what you think it should be.

This is where the magic is.

Now, if you are already a Hypnobirthing teacher and you did your training elsewhere.

If you want more autonomy and you want to bring more of yourself to your courses. Not in terms of what you look like but bigger than this- how you deliver your courses.

You want to add more interaction, more impact, bigger lightbulb moments.

I have something for you and it’s FREE.


On Thursday at 11am I’m running a free training where you’ll spend 90 minutes making your Hypnobirthing course even better. Fancy joining me?

If you’ve already got plans, don’t worry, I can send you the recording. Save your place here.


Abby x




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