5 Lessons About Getting Hypnobirthing Bookings, Learnt From Moving House

Uncategorized Dec 04, 2023

 That’s right, I’m selling my house at the moment and finding a new home to buy. Yes, I spend around 4 hours a day on Rightmove (no joke!) Why is that site soooo addictive?!

In this house moving fiasco there have been so many things that remind me of important lessons I’ve had over the years about running a Hypnobirthing business.

So if you want some solid gold Hypnobirthing business tips, read on…

  1. People buy from people. Yep, I know the houses that we view don’t come with their current owner (thank goodness) and yet whether I like and trust them matters.
    When the owner is warm, friendly and honest I tend to like the house more and feel more confident about dealing with them should we want to put an offer in. If this is important in buying homes, just think how important it is in selling services ie selling your Hypnobirthing courses.
    When we allow people to get to know us a little, they feel like they know us, they trust us and as a result feel more comfortable committing to book a course with us. Lesson: be your best self with potential Hypnobirthing clients. Allow people to get to know you. It really does make getting bookings easier.
  2. You can’t please everyone. There’s been so much great feedback on our house and then there was this 😂😂


It really made me laugh and just goes to show everyone has very different preferences. I mean, buy the house and paint it orange if you want ha.

What does this mean for a Hypnobirthing business?

Well, one day you might get some really odd feedback. Everyone raving about your courses and then one person that says “it was a bit (insert strange feedback)”. Don’t make this one opinion shake your whole view of what you do. You can’t please everyone and that’s okay.


3. We don’t buy details, we buy a dream. Stay with me on this one. Yes, we are bothered what features a house has i.e number of bedrooms, kitchen style etc but let’s face it when we imagine living there it’s for a feeling of what life will be like rather than the little practicalities. We often follow our heart and go with a “feeling” right?

What about a Hypnobirthing course then. Well, what I’ve learnt is that very few potential clients are bothered what different topics you include on a course, they are actually interested in the outcome of the course- how it will make them feel, what the course will do for them. Remember to focus on this in your marketing.


4. It’s easy to fall into Scarcity mode. I’ll put my hands up and say I’ve definitely had moments of thinking, there’s no potential buyers since the house has been on the market. In addition questioning why oh why is everyone else’s house selling but mine.

Ever had these thoughts about your Hypnobirthing business?

You are in good company my friend. It’s super easy to get in this zone of lack and scarcity. Here’s the truth though…

The more we repeat “there’s no potential buyers” the more we’ll see the evidence that this is the case. That’s what the mind does doesn’t it?Instead swap it with “the right people are out there, they are coming”.

If you are seeing other peoples courses selling well, rather than thinking “whats wrong with mine?” Let this be the evidence that it’s possible for you too.


5. The follow up matters. Did you know that estate agents follow up viewers a number of times? They don’t just think “if they like it they’ll get in touch”. They call and email and if they don’t get a response they repeat. They want the house to be front of mind and encourage a decision.


This is important in Hypnobirthing business too. If you’ve had chats with potential clients, follow up! People are busy, so by reaching out you are helping them to make a decision to prioritise preparing well for birth. The power is in the follow up!

I really hope these lessons have been useful lovely one. Do let me know which one you really needed to hear today. 


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